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发布时间:2023年10月10日  作者:西语系  浏览次数:  







花样轮滑(Figure skating)






轮滑速降(Roller downhill)




轮滑球(Inline hockey)




 轮舞(Roller dance)


轮舞分为Jam Skating和JB Skating

轮滑阻拦赛(Roller Derby)




1.Brake 刹车


2.Broken Ankle Spin(forward or backward)  断踝旋转


3.Camel-jump-Change-Camel  (飞燕)驼转跳接


4.Figure skating 花样滑冰


5.Heel Camel Spin(forward or backward)  脚跟(后轮)(飞燕)驼转


6.Inverted Camel(any edge)  后仰(飞燕)驼转


7.Inline roller skating 单排轮滑


8.Inline skate 直排轮滑鞋


9.Jump Camel  飞跃


10.Jump Sit  飞跃蹲转


11.Lay over Camel(any edge)  侧身(飞燕)驼转


12.Ornamental 装饰性的


13.Quad roller skating 双排轮滑


14.Roller skating 轮滑




Inline skating, also known as rollerblading, is a fun and exciting activity that many people enjoy. Whether you are just starting out or have been skating for years, it's important to remember why you love it. Here are 9 positive viewpoints to express your love for inline skating:

It's a great way to stay active - Inline skating is a fun way to get your heart rate up and stay in shape. It's a low-impact form of exercise that is easy on the joints but still gets your blood pumping.

It's a stress reliever - Skating can be a way to relieve stress and clear your mind. The feeling of the wind in your face and the sense of freedom you get from gliding along can be incredibly therapeutic.

It's a social activity - Skating can also be a fun way to spend time with friends and meet new people. Joining a local skating group or club can not only improve your skills, but also provide a sense of community.

It's a great way to explore new places - Inline skating allows you to cover more ground than walking, making it a great way to explore new places. You can take in the sights and sounds of your city or town while getting exercise.

It's a fun challenge - Whether you are trying to master a new trick or simply skate faster, inline skating offers a fun challenge that can keep you motivated and engaged.

It's good for your mental health - Skating can have a positive impact on your mental health as well. It can increase your self-confidence, improve your mood, and provide a sense of achievement.

It's a way to connect with nature - Skating outdoors allows you to connect with nature in a unique way. Feeling the sun on your skin and the wind in your hair can be incredibly invigorating.

It's a creative outlet - Inline skating can also be a creative outlet. You can express yourself through your style and the tricks you perform.

It's a lifelong activity - Finally, inline skating is a lifelong activity that you can enjoy no matter your age. With proper safety precautions and equipment, you can continue skating for years to come.

So whether you prefer to call it inline skating or rollerblading, there are many reasons to love this fun and exciting activity.




联系地址:河北省秦皇岛市北戴河新区戴河大街6号 明理楼 电话:0335-5926075

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